Limits of Stability

What is the limits of stability test?
The Limits of Stability (LOS) is a commonly utilized protocol for evaluating balance during dynamic tasks. It measures an individual’s capability to intentionally shift their center of gravity to their limits of stability without compromising balance. This protocol offers valuable insight into an individual’s voluntary motor control and can aid in screening for fall risk, particularly in elderly populations. To determine the targets for the limits of stability, calculations are based on the patient’s center of gravity height.
How does Equio measure limits of stability?
Equio uses it’s multiple sensors quantify the intentional sway of the patient’s body in the eight different directions.
To ensure accurate results, make sure that the front side of the board is facing the screen. It’s very important to input the patient’s height and the desired limit for the assessment.
The patient can now step onto the Equio board with his feet in the appropriate position, as illustrated in the positioning image.
When the assessment begins, the patient will see nine dots on the screen and the task will be to sway to reach all eight dots from the initial position.
The patient will know what dot to reach for because it will light up in green.

The idea is to reach for the target and get back to the initial position as fast as possible.
Interpretation of the result
After completing the Limits of Stability assessment, you’ll get an image that shows the path that the patient took during the test. But that’s not all!

The results will also include some interesting parameters like:
- the patient’s average reaction time (RT)
- average movement velocity (MV)
- average endpoint excursion (EPE)
- average maximum excursion (MXE)
- average directional control (DCL)
Tonelo, C. (2022, April 19). Limits of Stability > The most used protocol for balance assessment. Physiosensing.